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By WebSpoonful. Casual gamer and beginner blogger. WebSpoonful

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I understand. You are probably like me who only knows English (and maybe another language) but not German (or other languages available in Fragoria).

Still, you can't wait for the game development and translation to be finished! You want to try the game NOW!

Okay, relax.... I have found a page of instructions which could help you play the game from site even if your main language is English.

But I am warning you though, after you get through the registration, you will still need help in translating NPC language once you're in the game. This is because the instruction page will ask you to choose Dutch as your game language. Moreover, it would take a lot of squinting just to recognize the building signs in the game. When I tried it, I had to use Google Translate A LOT OF TIMES and it became tiring and cumbersome for me.

Also, it is important to note in-game: DO NOT SPEAK ENGLISH IN PUBLIC CHATS.
"English and German are the only two languages permitted to be spoken in this game. Yes, an English server is planned, but the Russian servers don't want English in chat. You can speak English in private tells, but not in public so be careful. You might get lucky like me and have an English speaking mod contact you in-game and help you out a little. But don't say I didn't warn you, I would hate to see you get banned before having a chance to check out the game." -- Fragoria Getting Started, Whane The Whip
So without further ado, click Fragoria: Getting Started for the complete instructions carefully made by Whane the Whip.


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