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By WebSpoonful. Casual gamer and beginner blogger. WebSpoonful

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Sacred Seasons

July 18, 2009

Sacred Seasons Shikaakwa

Welcome to Sacred Seasons!
The Heartlands might be one of many things. It might be our Dreamlands. It could be the magical version of ours split off from Earth millennia ago, left to grow a similar but different path. It might be an afterlife of sorts or all of these things at once.

Sacred Seasons is set in the Heartlands, and what we call North America here. However, the world is bigger, more wonderful than ours. The Sun is larger and redder, mountains push into the atmosphere, and canyons vanish into darkness. Cornfields glisten like gold and each snowfall can become a terrifying blizzard.

The world isn’t entirely idyllic though – the cities have their share of horrors and the wilds are full of their own dangers.

And then there are the Badlands. They are like a cancer spreading across the World – large areas, going bad and these are growing.

The Prologue
(Their prologue has a very nice music. Listen and watch the Sacred Seasons prologue! :D)
"You have always known there is a world better than the one we live in.

Where the mountains scrape the skies, and the canyons vanish into darkness.

In this world, everything has a spirit. From the great wolves of the Coldwoods to the majestic oak trees of Bellroot, they all work with mankind to shape the destiny of the Heartlands.

The greatest of these is the Cycle – Spirits of the seasons who keep peace and harmony in the world.

But now across the land something terrible is stirring... In the festering corners of the lands, the Bore Lords and their armies have arisen, spreading like a cancerous plague.

To the North, below the arctic circle, the first of these has gathered his armies and marches southwards, towards one of the last city-states of mankind.

... Shikaakwa, the City of the Air.

If it is to survive, champions must appear; men and women who will stand firm against the coming cold and drive it back.

This is their time.

This is your time."

Getting Started
  1. Above all else and like every browser game, you need a browser. Either be it Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. It works on Safari and Camino, too.
  2. Your browser should have the free plug-in Flash Player. If you currently do not have it, click this link for your Adobe Flash Player and then follow the downloading instructions for your specific browser.
  3. Then, go to the Sacred Seasons website and click the "PLAY" button.
  4. Create your account by providing a username, password, and an e-mail address.
  5. Login to the game and start creating your character.
  6. Begin your tutorial in a place called Shikaakwa where your adventures will commence.
  7. Have fun!
You can also play Sacred Seasons on Facebook:

Genre: RPG
World: Fantasy Adventure
Graphics: 2D

Status: Up and running!
Fee: Free-to-Play; Buy In-game advantages
Requires: Browser Plug-ins (Flash); also accessible on Facebook
Player: MMO
Runs in*: IE, Firefox, Safari, Camino

Official Site: Sacred Seasons

For more information on the game play, visit their website or follow the Player Guide I will share with you next time!

*I play-tested in these browsers under Mac OS X.

  1. Sito Ortiz Said,

    Under firefox (ubuntu) when i hit to play, after intro ends load i push GO button and get a frozen black screen with the menu music.

    Anyone knows if its a Flash plugin bug on linux?

    Posted on July 29, 2009 at 1:55 AM

  2. WebSpoonful Said,

    Hi, Sito! Currently, my Firefox (Mac) Flash player plug-in's version is Perhaps kindly see if you have this same latest version?

    Also, I have tried going in today using Camino, Safari, and Firefox. It seems their website is down at the moment.

    Posted on July 30, 2009 at 7:39 AM

  3. Sito Ortiz Said,

    Yes, i have 10.0 r22, i have tried under Seamonkey navigator, and same black screen problem after hitting GO.

    I have mailed via facebook to the game developers, i hope they can check it.


    Posted on July 30, 2009 at 5:37 PM

  4. WebSpoonful Said,

    You're welcome, Sito. I am sorry to I am not so much of help. I tried with the rest of my browsers and are working perfectly fine. Feel free to give me an update if the game will work out fine for you soon.

    Posted on July 31, 2009 at 11:29 AM

  5. Sito Ortiz Said,

    Yesterday my mate who is Ubuntu user too, tested many navigators on linux, and no one did game load, the problem is the linux version of flash player 10.

    Posted on July 31, 2009 at 6:54 PM

  6. WebSpoonful Said,

    Thanks for the update. My friend shared with me his experience with Firefox in Linux and said that years ago, he had problems also of running some games using flash. I hope the next flash updates will solve the problem and let you run the game.

    Posted on July 31, 2009 at 8:15 PM

  7. Sito Ortiz Said,

    Well, it's same problem with x-director based web browser games, x-director can't run in linux, so we cannot play.

    Thanks mate.

    Posted on August 1, 2009 at 6:11 PM


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